Friday, June 27, 2008

Car Painting

In a few weeks, American Samoa will play host to the upcoming 10th Annual Pacific Arts Festival during which thousands of people from all over the South Pacific will descend upon our little island to celebrate the arts of the region. There will be everything from quiltmaking to fashion designing, tatooing to log carving, indigenous food preparation, navigation and canoeing, indigenous medical treatment, visual and of course, performance arts. Not wanting to be left out--or so the newspaper would believe--(and also because we have to make our own entertainment here) a few of the Palagi's decided to get into the spirit and paint one of our friends' cars. They used palm fronds for the front, made the bed of the truck look like a zebra, spruced up the grill and rims with a nice gold color, and even had the truck owners put their own feet and hand prints on the doors in paint. You know, your typical Sunday afternoon around these parts. The awesome part was that someone sent in a picture of the paint job to the local paper and today, it was on the front page of the Samoa News! Check it out...

For the real low down on the car painting as well as more pictures, check out Jeremy's Blog.

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